Thursday, December 3, 2009

My Review on Site Profit Bot Software

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Now I’ll be making a review of the software Site Profit Bot. If you might ask what is Site Profit Bot? Well Site Profit Bot is a software developed by JP Schoeffel of Ethiccash. The reason he built this product is to assist you to automate the creation of your niche website with just a click of a button. This review will look at the process of creating a profitable niche site and how Site Profit Bot can help automate that process.

Let us first discuss some important aspects of a money-making niche website in order for you to appreciate the value of Site Profit Bot

Here are some things to consider if you want your niche website to succeed:

• Web Design

People are more and more used to navigating into newspaper like websites - as in blogs with multiple columns, featured articles, sponsor spots and different categories of content. With this in mind, you need to target such a design when you want to create and operate an authority website. Thus, making your site clean and modern is a must like anything else nowadays.

• Web Layout

A good design is useless if you don't position the different components of your content the way they should. Moreover, your visitors need to understand what to do on your website and at the same time you want them to stick to it so that they spend more time browsing it and interacting with it.

This is truly important part and you can't skip it. You can check the most popular website in your niche and see what works for them. Then you can ask your designer to replicate such layout.

• Keywords

Keywords are the most basic ingredients of any online information thus, same is true for every niche websites, Keywords can make or break your site. Therefore, it is deemed necessary not only to pick the keywords that are related to your niche site but also the keywords that will make you money! In other words, you need to capture profitable keywords and then build pages on your website around those keywords.

• Relevant Content

You need to focus on relevant and dynamic content. It’s your most valuable web property. Therefore, your site needs to provide rich content pulled from different authority sources as seen by the search engines. People buy information online all the time. If you can provide value to your visitors, you’re raising your odds that the visitors will buy your offers. This is how you make money online!

• List Building

I won't discuss this here since you are aware that building your list is the critical piece of any online business model. There's no question about it. You just have to do it!
You will need to add lead capture forms on your website, or better "above" your website so that you can display them at any time and increase your opt-in rate.

• Monetization

Monetization of your websites becomes a breeze if everything above is done correctly. Many people fail on this aspect because they tend to focus more on monetization rather than complying on the essentials factors stated above.

Now you’re starting to understand what it really takes to create a successful niche website. But, I can also feel that you’re saying this is too much work! And you’re right, there are a lot of works involved in creating a money-making niche site.

That’s why Site Profit Bot is created! This site builder suite can automate and achieve all the elements we discussed above in just a few clicks and with just one keyword being your main input. The best part of this software is that it is automatically optimized around related and popular keywords found in social networks as well as social media based content. These are the keywords the search engines love!

Here are some of the things that Site Profit Bot can do for you…

• Site Profit Bot automatically research keywords related to your niche. All you have to do is input your main keyword.

• Site Profit Bot updates the keywords automatically for you.

• Site Profit Bot will automatically scrapes relevant content from various RSS feeds according to your niche.

• Site Profit Bot automatically optimizes the web pages of your niche website making it more search engine friendly

• Site Profit Bot automatically update contents and categorized them for you.

• Site Profit Bot automatically monetizes your website by populating it with relevant products from and All you have to do is indicate your affiliate link and everything will be done automatically


With all this being said, The Site Profit Bot software is must buy if you want to ease the burden of the time-consuming and boring process of creating a successful niche website. All you really have to provide is the main keyword phrase and everything from site creation to on-page SEO optimization and monetization will be done by Site Profit Bot.